usługi geologiczne

What are geological services?

Placing a large object requires earlier, meticulous analysis of the soil on which we want to erect the building. Performing this work correctly requires the employment of a professional team of people who will help in the preparation of accurate geological and engineering documentation.

Why do you need a geologist

geological servicesYou will need a geologist in a situation where you need to perform activities related to determining geological and engineering conditions in your planned investment. The construction of a house or other object on unexplored land involves the risk of foundations being washed, walls cracked and other unpleasantness. The knowledge of the geologist in cooperation with the surveyor will dispel doubts related to the foundation of the building in a specific place of your choice (e.g. on the embankment).

When planning the building’s basement, check the groundwater level, taking into account the temporary rainfall in the given zone. This is one of the most important studies due to the fact that under the influence of precipitation, soil can change plasticity and affect the stability of buildings by washing the foundation. Foundation foundation is a key issue when erecting a building.

Investments under control

The law tells us that geological and engineering documentation must be made in situations such as complex soil and water conditions. They should also be taken into account when investments requiring deep foundations or high objects are made.

What is the geologist doing? First of all, he prepares documentation, geological work project, performs field and laboratory tests. The stability of our investment is fully dependent on the state of the soil on which it will stand. The geologist assesses this condition so that the investment is fully hit. It is worth entrusting your investment to a proven team of professionals, e.g., who provide comprehensive geological services . Properly conducted tests will guarantee safe construction.

Geological surveys are necessary for large investments, while when constructing single-family buildings it is advisable, but not necessary. In such cases, first of all, geodetic documentation should be made.